Wednesday, September 8, 2010


So let's see, about 4 months ago I started doing this running program called Couch to 5K. It is a guide to get you from couch potato to worthy of running a 5K in 9 weeks. 9 WEEKS! That is only 2 months. Now, you can definitely spread it out if you aren't ready to progress to the next week, you can keep going until you feel comfortable moving on. Like I said, I've been doing this for 4 months and I am still doing Week 2, haha!

I know I horrible is that?! I've never been a runner in my life, except when I was a little kid, because that's what little kids do. But at whatever time running turned into 'exercise', I stopped. So when Week 1 said to run for 1 minute straight, that was a struggle for me. But eventually after 2 months of working on Week 1, I got the courage to attempt Week 2. And I did it! How awesome, so I've been perfecting week 2 for 2months and last week I tried Week 3. Boy oh boy was that depressing. I couldn't finish. So last night I did week 2 again and it was fairly easy. I struggled a bit at the end, but I need to face the fact that it's time to move on to Week 3.

So now I just need to remind myself that at the beginning of each new week I will struggle, but after 2 MONTHS I should have it nailed down, haha. You are supposed to do this program 3 days/week, but I usually only have time to do it once, maybe twice a week. And like I said, I just wasn't built to be a runner.

I will keep you posted on my success! (If I keep going at this rate, I should finish Week 9 in about a year. Sweet.)

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